ADream 汉语拼音 (ADream Hanyu Pinyin)



声、韵、调的学习是语音学习的基本内容。汉语拼音仍是很多家长和幼 儿的弱项,即使很家长有心想辅导孩子也只能有心无力。多数人读不准拼音,更别说拼读汉语拼音,有 些人甚至把汉语拼音和英文字母相混淆或洋腔洋调。学一门语言最宝贵的时期是儿童,错过了则一生遗憾。A DREAM ACADEMY 看到了家长们的疑虑,听到了幼儿们的心声,从而推出本课程《加加倍倍学拼音》。

The study of sound, rhyme and tones is the basic content of phonetical learning. Chinese Pinyin is still a weakness for many parents and children. Even if many parents want to help their children, they are not sure on how to do so. Most people cannot use Hanyu Pinyin well. Some people even confuse Hanyu Pinyin with English. The most precious time to learn a language is during early childhood. If you miss it, you will regret it for a lifetime. Therefore, ADream Hanyu Pinyin course is meant to help children master Hanyu Pinyin.

Agape Little Uni
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